Wednesday, March 31, 2010

searching for a schedule

being at home this week has kind of felt like a vacation.  that being the case i have to tell myself that this is not a vacation.  i'm supposed to be using this time to figure out what i really want to be doing with my time.  of course we know i want to spend as much time with lilly-lu as possible.  watching her grow and develop is going to be a God send.  working out and getting back to a healthy weight should also be on my priority list.  with all this being said i'm afraid my blogging is going to be a little sporadic until i can figure out a schedule.  

i will try to be good and post daily but i can't make any promises for the next couple of weeks.  i leave you with a little picture of my lilly-lu and her first trip to the zoo.

meet her kitty, Bosley.  she loves her kitty and he goes everywhere with her.

until next time...


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